MECO Company Profile

Late. Parasmal Goliya (Founder)

Mr. Premchand Goliya (Chairman & Mg. Director)

Dr. Kamal P. Goliya (CEO)
We are an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified company offering reliable, long - lasting and affordable instruments since over six decades. Our team of skilled and trained personnel is equipped with complete in-house facility for design, development and manufacturing world class products with innovative features. Customer focus, product innovation and technological excellence are the prime concern of everymemberat MECO.
Many of our products have been designed / upgraded by our R & D Department which is recognized by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. We hold over 37 design patents which are registered with The Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, Government of India. Our products are certified by some of India's most reputed testing laboratories like ERTL, IDEMI, Karindikar Laboratories & NPL. The high quality of our products experience is always a great value addition for the end user.
To support our manufacturing process we have SMT Pick & Place Machine, Solder Reflow Machine, Robotic Screw Fitting Machine, Dial Printing and Pad Printing Machines. We have one of the latest and largest range of testing equipment and standards which act as a backbone to our QA and Calibration System. Using the state of art electronics, firmware and mechanical infrastructure along with skilled and experienced work force, MECO also acts as an OEM to manufacturers in India, Germany, Italy, UK and USA.
Keeping pace with the requirements of various industry sectors, we have instruments in the following major categories:
- Multifunction Meters
- Digital Panel Meters and Modules
- Power Line Transducers
- Analog Panel and Switchboard Meters
- Digital Multimeters
- Digital Clampmeters / Tongtesters
- Digital and Analog Insulation Testers
- LCR Meters and Micro / Mili Ohm Meters
- Testing & Measuring Instruments
- Clamp-On Earth/Ground Resistance & Leakage Current Testers
- Infrared Body Thermometers
- Automotive Meters and Battery Testers
- Solar Analyzers and SolarPower Meter
- Environment Testing Instruments
- Power and Harmonic Analyzers
- Calibrating Equipment
We have a network of over 75 authorized dealers/distributors and more than 650 resellers who effectively channel the products in the entire Indian subcontinent with good penetration. Our products are exported to almost all the continents of the world through
local agents and representatives.
We seek strategic alliances with companies worldwide, who can either efficiently market our products in their local markets or with companies who wish to channel their products in India through our marketing network.
As part of our CSR initiative we arrange eye checkup camps, distribution of baby kits for the newly born, installation of water coolers in government hospitals andmanysuch activities for the welfare of society.
Every member and associate of our organization strongly believes in "GIVE THE WORLD THE BEST YOU HAVE AND THE BEST IN THE WORLD COMES BACK TO YOU"!!